Website Tracking & Analytics

Tracking will give you the following info and more

  • Where your visitors come from.
  • Which sites refer the most people to your blog?
  • What your most popular posts are.
  • What search engines your users are using.
  • What keywords they search to find your site. Use this information to focus new content on those keywords. If you can “own” a word or phrase in Google you win.
  • What part of the country they are from. You might be surprised how many international readers you have.
  • What browsers they use. Make sure your blog looks good on those browsers. Not everyone uses Internet Explorer.
  • What pages they visit and in what order. Do people just visit one page and bounce away or do they go from page to page?
  • What pages have the lowest bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave your website after visiting that page.

More Ideas

  • Get a weekly report
  • Check your tracking after launching a marketing campaign to analyze the campaign effectiveness.
  • Don’t use a visible visitor counter.

Popular Tracking Programs

Google Analytics

All the bells and whistles. Steeper learning curve but there are lots of reference materials and YouTube videos.

Really simple and basic – weekly report